Tuesday 26 March 2013

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

Ign 8.6/10
Destuctiod 8/10
Metacritic 77/100

Naruto Ultimate ninja storm 3 is a fighting game based on the incredibly popular Anime and manga series. It has all your favorite characters and moments from the shippuden. Although there may be some long cut scenes and dialogue sequences it still is the best game for Naruto and anime fans. Its developed by CyberConnect2 and way released on the 8th of March 2013.

Game world and Visual style
The game world is very tightly based of the anime and manga series which means it obviously has an anime visual style the game also looks very much like the anime. The game world in general is very colorful and vibrant which matches the anime, but it also is dark and grimy wherever it needs to be. The developers made the decision to have the game to look the anime to draw in more fans and make so people knew its was Naruto. The developer had to go with the anime world and visual style so that the fans of the series will recognize the series and introduce any new players to what the anime would look like if they were to watch it.  
Anime Visual Style
Naruto ultimate ninja Storm 3 has the biggest character roster in it with over 80 playable characters in the game, not all of them are in this games story but previous ones but the developer kept them in for the sake of it.

Main Playable Characters throught the story
 Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto is the main character throughout the game and the anime. He is the nine tails jinchuuriki and a member of the hidden leaf. His parents were killed when he was born and grew up with most of the village resenting him. In game Naruto is very quick and strong he uses a variety of rasengans to reflect what he does in the anime. Naruto has also become the strongest character in the anime and is trying to bring Sasuke back to the leaf village. A lot of people route for Naruto because of his history and determination which gets then immersed in the Naruto universe.

Naruto in Sage mode
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke is a rouge ninja who was once a member of the leaf village. His entire clan was wiped out by his brother when he was young and he wants to avenge them by killing his brother. He has done this in game and learned truth about his brother and is now out for revenge on the hidden leaf village itself. Sasuke isn't liked by a lot of fans because they think he should stop trying to destroy the village after what he knows. Sasuke can be called the opposite of Naruto.

Sasuke in-game
Killer B
Killer B is a member of the hidden cloud village he is also a jinchuuriki and he is friends with Naruto. Killer B was the first jinchuuriki to be able to fully control his tailed beast which is the main reason he is friends with Naruto. B is known for rapping in the anime and he also does this in game which makes him one of the more loved characters.

B ready to fight
Kakashi is Naruto's team leader and sensei he was also trained by Naruto's dad Minato. Kakashi has one eye as a sharigan which he took from his friend Obito when he was dying. Kakashi feels that he is responsible for Sasuke leaving the village and wants to make up for that even though Naruto wont let him. Many people like Kakashi for his laid back style and funny remarks.

Kakashi and his Sharingan 
Main Enemies in the story
No-one really knows who Tobi is in the game because he mainly wears a mask all people really do know is that he is a member of the Uchiha clan and he calls himself Madara. Tobi's sharingan allows him to let attacks slip through his body he can also suck in objects from the world to an alternate dimension. tobi also started the fourth great ninja war. Tobi used to be very jokey which made him like by gamer's and watchers of the anime but after he became serious he is now more hated which keep people watching and playing the game so they can see him be defeated or killed.

Tobi declares the start of War.
Madara is the most powerful member of the uchiha clan and one of the founding members of the hidden leaf village. Although he is dead he is resurrected be Kabuto using the edo tensei jutsu he comes back at his prime along with his Rinnegan which are the most powerful eyes in the anime and game. Madara is hated by a lot of people for starting the original cycle of hatred which has happened to countless other ninja such as Naruto and Kakashi.

Madara's Sharingan
Kabuto was a assistant of Orochimaru but he absorbed his power after he was killed by Sasuke. Kabuto is the main reason for a lot of dead ninja being back such as the previous Kage's and Madara. He is using a resurrection jutsu to bring them back and also controlling ones who do not fight on their own accord. Kabuto  is mainly hated for bringing back loved characters who have already died such as asuma who was also a Sensei and team leader like kakshi.

Kabuto from the anime
Other Characters
The Five Kage
The Five Kage are the five leaders of the biggest lands like the hidden leaf and hidden cloud they will usually be the strongest ninja from that respective village in order to become that villages kage. They fight against Madara in the game and just about win but this is different from the manga and anime.

The Five Kage about to fight Madara
Resurrected jinchuuriki
These are the six other tailed beat holders who were killed they are all playable in the game but take a while to unlock. These six help out Naruto in the final fight with Tobi. They are all controlled by Tobi in the fight but Naruto knows its not the person themselves actually fighting so he beats them. 

All the jinchuuriki and there tailed beats
Other Characters
There many other playable characters in the game but there are just too many to all list out and some aren't even relevant to this games story. It is good that this game has a ton of character because it adds a lot of variety but there are still certain characters missing from the roster that should in the game. The developers went for such a large roster of characters so that they could cover all of the characters from the anime and you could play as your favorite character from the anime which would result in more people buying.

The Massive Character Roster!
The main gameplay screen for nearly of the fights is very basic and shows you every thing you need to know also the combo list which is in the menu is basic and let you easily read off what you want to read. The developers did this to make it easy for the younger fan base of Naruto get into the game easier. The developers use this interface because the base of it is one the most used interfaces for fighting games with the added in parts such as the chakra and substitutes so they could add there own unique part of their fighting game.  

The game will usually keep a locked camera during all of the fights it also moves the camera based on the characters on the screen's position. The same can be said in the free roam part of the story mode, because the camera only moves when you are unable to see the character on the screen. The general story switches between many different characters but is usually based around Naruto and Sasuke's story although not as much Sasuke in this as game compared to other ones. You also switch to Kakashi, The Five Kage and other  ninja who are on the battlefield. The developers used this way of perspective so that they could cover all of the parts of the perspectives from the anime and manga which will draw in more players who have read the manga and want to see certain fights be animated and fight them for themselves. 

The Camera locked behind.
Interaction and Modes
Naruto does have a multiplayer mode in it where you can play ranked matches against other players around the world or with your friends in player matches. The ranked matches may become frustrating sometimes though because of people who either exploit the game or spam a certain characters move. The interaction behind Naruto's single player is some free roam where you can find and make new items and complete missions within the game. Although the free roam is mainly after you complete the game it was a decision made by the developers to make the game a bit longer. Multiplayer being added in this game would of been a very easy decision to make because every fighting game will hsve multiplayer and they added in the free roam to the single player so that the game time in single player is extended and add more playtime to the game.

The narrative mainly follows the anime and manga series which is the story Naruto and sasuke where Naruto mainly tries to save Sasuke but in this game it is mainly about the fourth great ninja war in which all the ninja team up in order to protect Killer Bee and Naruto and defeat Tobi. The game does follow most of what the manga does but the story isn't the ending from the manga because that hasn't finished yet so they made up there own ending instead of the one which will happen in the manga.Just like the game world and visual style they have the developers have to follow the manga because that is the story which they had to follow apart from the end which they made there own because they didn't know what the ending of the manga is so they had to make up their own ending.

Story summed up. 

Game Setting
The game is set in the Naruto universe there are at least 3 hidden villages the player can visit in the game and a lot of the main settings for some of the main story points these areas contain collectibles and some missions which you can complete to get the games money which can also be used to unlock characters and titles for multiplayer. The game is set in the Naruto world obviously because the game is for Naruto fans which want to play the game and explore the world of Naruto. Again just like the game world they used had the use the same setting as the manga/anime so the didnt derive from the original story and setting that a lot of people love.

Village Hidden in the Cloud
Challenges and Rewards
As far as challenge goes only a few boss fights are very challenging but there are other modes that you can unlock such as survival mode which presents a whole new challenge where you have to fight characters one after the other on only one set of health. In the game there are a lot of rewards in the game such as new Characters, Titles and Pictures for your info card online. The gameplay in general is very easy to pick up which is why some players may find the game to be boring after a while especially if they usually play more advanced fighters such as street fighter but i think the developers made the game this way so younger Naruto fans could pick up the game and still have fun with it which would also help with sales and the amount of people playing the game. The developers added in these challenges and rewards to extend the gameplay of the game.

One of the Ninja info Cards

Player actions and Game Mechanics
In the story mode there a decisions that will slightly alter some gameplay in the game these decisions are called "legend" and "hero" decisions they give you points to the a meter on either decision which will give you items which you can use during fights. The game usually changes from its normal gameplay during a boss fight when it adds in quick time events which will eventually unlock a secret factor from the story. The normal gameplay is very easy to pick up and will maybe cause some players who are veteran fighting game fans. I think the main reason they put in quick time events in the boss fights is to make them more interesting because they are sometimes not that fun to watch in the anime so the developers didn't want to copy them. 

An example of a fight changed for the game

Addiction Level
Naruto can be an incredibly addictive game if you know what you are doing this is though can also make the game boring as well because you can nearly learn all the combos in a very short time, but you will still have to learn how to use your dodge block and ultimate justsu's properly in order to succeed. I think that the developers made the game basic to make Naruto fans enjoy the game more though and not have to learn incredibly complicated combos to hit there favorite moves with their favorite characters.

Some of the easy combos

Overall Naruto is a very fun game which is mainly made for Naruto fans any fighting game fans may find this game to be too easy or boring, but overall most of the design decisions made in the game are ones which help the game to bring in all of its fans. All of the decisions the developers made were for the sake of making the game more addictive or more fun.

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